About Us
Our Mission is to Work Towards a Sustainable Future with Impactful EO Environmental Solutions For All.
Our Story
Imeshi Weerasinghe and Charlotte Wirion came together at VUB university in Brussels with a shared passion for making a difference to the environment and wanted to bring innovative research to benefit the community.
WEO was founded in 2020. We started working with clients from the start to develop and refine our products to their expectations and market needs. They made it clear it was difficult to obtain the necessary up-to-date analytics to solve their big environmental challenges and make decisions towards sustainability. This is why WEO focused on ensuring our environmental analytics would be affordable, regularly-updated and scalable across the globe.
WEO has attracted a team of experts in their respective fields, all sharing the same vision – using their skills to make a real difference and build a sustainable future for us all.
Our Values
Our team share a passion for shaping a sustainable future
We are focused on solutions that benefit our clients and have an impact in the real world
WEO ensures our products and services support our clients long-term
WEO build affordable solutions so they can be used all around the globe and have maximum impact FOR ALL
Our Team
Imeshi Weerasinghe
Founder and CEO
Charlotte Wirion
Founder and CTO
Frankwin van Winsen
Head of Development
Thierry Nicola
Senior Software Engineer
Adelene Lai
Software Engineer
Nicla Notarangelo
Postdoctoral Researcher
Asritha Gottiparthy
Software Engineer
Olivier de la Guéronnière